What are the uses of Microsoft Word?

Microsoft Word is a word processor and like other word processors it's capable of helping the user create a variety of different types of documents. We've included our full list of the top uses of a word processor on our word processor page.

How many lines are there on a page in Microsoft Word?

By default, there are 25 lines on one page in Microsoft Word.

What type of files can Microsoft Word create and use?

Early versions of Microsoft Word primarily created and used the .doc file extension, while newer versions of Word create and use the .docx file extension.
More recent versions of Microsoft Word can create and open the following types of files:
  • .doc, .docm, .docx
  • .dot, .dotm, .dotx
  • .htm, .html
  • .mht, .mhtml
  • .odt
  • .pdf
  • .rtf
  • .txt
  • .wps
  • .xps
  • .xml

Example of a Microsoft Word .doc file

You can download an example of a Microsoft Word .doc document by clicking the Microsoft Word .doc file link.